Artists Resource for Fire

Fire Information

Fire Information

Topics related to fire as an art form.

Coloring Flames
Using different chemicals to produce different colors in flames.

Fire Check List
These are some basic safety check items we suggest you consider before lighting any flammable art.

Fire and Ice
Last night I attended Seacompression, the Seattle area Burning Man get-together. The theme was, "Fire and Ice" and the idea was that we would have fire sculptures such as the Flaming Zen Garden and other pieces and ice sculptures.

Gas Comparison Chart
This is an interesting table which shows some characteristics of different gas flames as they come out of a torch.

Gelled Alcohol
Gelling alcohol for treating specific areas with fire.

Keeping Propane Tanks Warm
One of the biggest drawbacks to using most propane tanks is that they were never designed for the type of heavy flow that fire artists put them through.

Lightweight Burn Platform
I am attempting to come up with an idea for a burn platform that will allow a small to medium-sized artwork to be burned without harming the ground below it. At events like Burning Man, you cannot have a burn scar on the Playa. The problem is that so many solutions have turned out to be impractical. I wanted to come up with a template for a burn platform which can be easily assembled, the materials could be purchased from a home improvement store like Home Depot and the platform could be recycled and made from repurposed building materials.

Propane Facts
Some interesting information about propane.

Propane Weight
This article is designed to demystify some of the peculiarities of propane cylinders.

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The information on this Web site is for informational pourposes only. Nothing should be attempted without first consulting your local Fire Marshal or the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) in your area. Some of the activities described may be illegal in your area and in no way should you attempt any activity without the expressed consent of the AHJ.