
The 1997 Man
Once a year the Artists Republic of Fremont likes to shift its focus away from the trolls for a short time and cast its gaze to the desert and visit with another solitary figure. Every year over the Labor Day weekend we like to meet with tens of thousands of other people in the vast open expanses of Nevada to visit the Black Rock Desert.
2005 Burning Man Photos
Photos from the Burn of the Man and more.
Product Reviews
We have been reviewing products people use out at Burning Man.
Burning Man pictures
See more pictures of the Playa from our eyes.
What to bring to the playa
If you go out to a desert unprepared, you will die. Here are some helpful suggestions to make the experience more enjoyable in the harsh conditions you will find in the Black Rock Desert. Learn from the experts or at least see what we do.
Coolers and ice
Some thoughts about managing your coolers and ice to last through your trip to Burningman.
Surviving the wind
The wind can gust up to 80 MPH or faster. Be prepared! Learn the importance of rebar and other tips to help you and your shelter survive and improve your experience.
Driving directions
If you are driving to Burningman from British Columbia, Idaho, Oregon or Washington, these directions can point you to the best route to the Playa.
Renting a truck
Find out the ins and outs to renting a truck or trailer to take to Burningman.
Shade Structures
A brief description of shade structures being used at Burning man by ARF.
Frequently asked questions
A few commonly asked questions and a few off the wall ones on ARF and Burningman.
Other worlds
A list of Web sites that ARF really likes.
Fire safety tips
Playing with fire? Learn how not to get burned.
Previous Camps
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