
Ted Bachelor

For the last two years the participants at Burningman have had a rare and wonderful treat far above and beyond the wonderful treat that is Burningman. Stuntman Ted Bachelor has been lighting himself on fire and dancing under the man just before the man is ignited.

There are plenty of pictures of Ted floating around on the Internet, but most of those are taken at least 300 feet away. Those with eagle eyes might have noticed a man crouching down next to Ted when he dances around on the man. That man is Maque DaVis and he has been able to take these images of Ted a few feet away.

Ted Batchelor
The 1997 Burn

Maque said that the heat was really intense when he took this picture. You can see him on the Chuck Cirino video cringing from the heat.

Ted Batchelor
The 1998 Burn

Maque was braced for the heat this year, but he was not really ready for what happens only a few seconds after this image was taken. Notice those bombs attached to the leg of the man? The fuses are not wrapped. Now usually this wouldn't be a problem unless of course you have a man who is engulfed in flames from head to toe who happens to be dancing around right next to the unwrapped fuses, and bumping right into the leg. The end result was a premature explosion that causes Ted, Maque and Crimson Rose to run for their lives.

You know there is something highly ironic about the fact that a man that is covered in flames has to run for his life to protect himself from some unexpected flames.


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© Copyright 1999-1998 by Wally Glenn unless otherwise noted. Photos are property of Maque DaVis. For more information on specific copyright issues, please see our copyright notice. All rights reserved.